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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 52, Issue 3,
Pages 209-294 (March 1995)

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The Rat 17-Hydroxylase-17,20-desmolase (CYP17) Active Site: Computerized Homology Modeling and Site Directed Mutagenesis, Pages 209-218
Ellen Buczko, YoungChul Koh, Yasushi Miyagawa and Maria L. Dufau
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (898 K)

Glucocorticoids but not Mineralocorticoids Modulate Endothelin-1 and Angiotensin II Binding in SHR Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells, Pages 219-225
P. H. Provencher, J. Saltis and J. W. Funder
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (612 K)

Cloning and Expression of Cytochrome P450(11) of Porcine Adrenal Cortex, Pages 227-232
Tiejun Sun, Ying Zhao, Yasuki Nonaka and Mitsuhiro Okamoto
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (491 K)

Hormonal Regulation of Nuclear Type II Estrogen Binding Sites in the Dorsolateral Prostate of Noble Rats, Pages 233-238
Shuk-Mei Ho and Margaret Yu
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (508 K)

Androgen Control of Secretory Component mRNA Levels in the Rat Lacrimal Gland, Pages 239-249
Jianping GaoRoss W. LambertL. Alexandra WickhamGeorge BantingDavid A. Sullivan
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1574 K)

Early and Delayed Effects of Hydrocortisone and Onapristone on Intestinal Brush-border Enzymes and their Sialylation and on Thymus Growth in Suckling Rats, Pages 251-257
Jií Kraml, Jiina Kolínská, Libue Kadlecová, Marie Zákostelecká, Dana Hirová and Vratislav Schreiber
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (745 K)

Extracellular Matrix Induces Hormone Responsiveness and Differentiation in RUCA-I Rat Endometrial Adenocarcinoma Cells, Pages 259-269
Günter Vollmer, Nicola Ellerbrake, Anne-Christine Hopert, Rudolf Knauthe, Winfried Wünsche and Rudolf Knuppen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (1800 K)

The Role of Cytochrome P45011 in Detoxification of Steroids in the Filamentous Fungus Rhizopus nigricans, Pages 271-275
Katja Breskvar, Zdenka Ferenak and Tamara Hudnik-Plevnik
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (354 K)

Hydrolysis of Estrone Sulfate in Uterine Minces of the 6-Days Pregnant Rat, Pages 277-280
Maria Cristina Loza
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (289 K)

Estrogenicity, Antiestrogenicity and Estrone Sulfatase Inhibition of Estrone-3-amine and Estrone-3-thiol, Pages 281-286
Kyle W. Selcer and Pui-Kai Li
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (462 K)

Myometrial Estrogen and Progesterone Receptor Binding in Pregnancy: Inhibition by the Detergent Action of Phospholipids, Pages 287-294
Martti Pulkkinen and Mauri M. Hämäläinen
Abstract | Journal Format-PDF (544 K)


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